Here are some career Ah Ha moments that have defined our outlook on Pension Administration Systems:
PSPA History
Design/Partner with Mercer Initial Release Cash Balance Pension Protection Act Service Purchase Accenture Enterprise Pension – CRM, OPA, + Views: 0
Caseload Surges Spark Productivity Innovation
The fight comes out when backed into a corner. Automate where not previously thought possible. Accept quality where previously it was meticulously validated (to little avail). Pivot: Big Pharma – Orchestrated Waves Big State – Classification/Risk Assessment, Group Processing (Batch Paradigm), Preload Forms, Views: 0
Bad Design Sinks Ships
Design decisions have brought down projects. Should write a book on design mistakes in overzealous customization. Don’t break delivered functionality. Couldn’t run calculation except through CRM. Makes sure customizations will keep processes working in all modes. Don’t try to replicate the prior system. Implement and customize a system that speaks the PeopleSoft design language. Make…