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  5. How effective is a Fit/Gap Assessment for PSPA?

How effective is a Fit/Gap Assessment for PSPA?

Mapping your Pension Plan business rules and other requirements to the product capabilities is essential to a smooth implementation.

But, what are the challenges?

For starts, just collecting and mapping all the plan rule requirements to the appropriate core functionality and related configuration pages can be tricky task.

Distracted by Shiny Objects – Configuration options might not work as they appear.

Too much or too little focus on the exception cases.

Too much or too little focus on rounding, date math, etc.

Too high level – don’t be too quick to identify a fit, brushing past a mine field – what happens when there are gaps in service/earnings or partial periods or generation/projection for periods without data?

Too low level – plan for a more agile approach to identifying and resolving gaps – don’t spend to much time worrying about things that might not be a problem.

Data quality assumptions – surprise not every member has as complete/simple data as your test cases.

Scaling up – performance, group processing issues. One engine, but several ‘modes’, make sure you consider them all.

Customization design shouldn’t break delivered functionality.

Workflow – how does the delivered product workflow map to the streamlined productive application they require?

Experience is key – familiar with configuration challenges, design and development of effective, supportable solutions.

What is a Fit/Gap Assessment anyways?

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