What is a Pivotal Moment?

Sometimes your work experiences, of observations of the world around you, bring you on a journey of discovery. It’s worth taking note of key moments when a leap in you understanding drives you to change direction. This collection of moments make you who you are, resets your goals, and forever informs your decision making and critical thinking from that point forward.

I thought I would share with you some of the pivotal moments of my career, as well as in the history of PeopleSoft and the Pension Administration product. This study will help to convey the long, twisty, bumpy road that I have been on to get me to where I am today, and more importantly how it has influenced my accomplishments, my formed opinions, and my current goals.

One of the few benefits of hard work, getting older, and having varied experiences is the slow, imperfect, acquisition of wisdom and knowledge. It is clear that the PSPA Tech Knowledge Base is intended to capture the useful details and helpful hints I have discovered along the way. But, I thought there should be a place to capture some wisdom as well, and we all know pivotal moments are what make stories entertaining and inspiring. Reflecting on these moments has opened up new ideas for meaningful information to share here.

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