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Recent Additions and Updates

  • Commercial Off The Shelf

    COTS is a very unfriendly sounding name for a product, often a software application, that is intended to fill a need that previously was being met exclusively through custom development. Views: 0


  • What is a Pivotal Moment?

    Sometimes your work experiences, of observations of the world around you, bring you on a journey of discovery. It’s worth taking note of key moments when a leap in you understanding drives you to change direction. This collection of moments make you who you are, resets your goals, and forever informs your decision making and…


  • Why is COBOL modification so common for PSPA?

    Many clients want to avoid modifying COBOL at all costs But, many reasons lead to the need for modification. Array Sizing is a common problem especially on implementations with complex configuration. Sustaining Support – no changes to apply new technology, fluid for example, in PUM. Issues / Bugs – can’t always wait for a fix.…


  • Is there a way to fast-track adding new capabilities to PSPA?

    Why is every implementation project or on-going support phase solving the same problems and coming up with different solutions to common gaps in a vacuum? It’s like the evolution is happens so slow. We have gone over why…sustaining support… But what can be done about it. PSPA Tech Enhancement Lab is doing just this. Views:…


  • Does a Fit/Gap Assessment analyze User and Ownership Experience?

    Well, all types of things we want out of a system are often ignored as the Fit/Gap focuses on detailed requirements. Views: 0


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