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Win/Scale/Speed Implementation with Enhancements

How do you implement/support more efficiently…start with an enhanced system or have a prototype solutions for gaps, user experience improvements, operations and support enhancements.

Win projects – have ready to go, and hence less expensive, solutions for implementation gaps. If it’s a brand new implementation, start from an enhanced code line. If it’s changes to an existing system, use the prototypes to quickly refine client specific design and speed up development effort. An enhanced of-the-shelf PSPA environment can be more competitive with the competition.

If you can’t get a bigger army, give your army better equipment. It’s easier and faster to implement if you start with a system that has less bugs, can be customized in more ways, provides a better user experience, handles and reports error more efficiently, and fills more gaps out of the box.

Don’t clone the developers, clone the most effective solutions. Solving the same gaps, fixing the same bugs eats resources.

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